Thursday, November 28, 2013

Shennongjia 神农架Ski Resort滑雪场

Green treasure for many people, Shennongjia is a full of mysterious atmosphere of the unique environment and climate has created colorful of the four seasons, spring, fresh, refreshing summer, autumn gorgeous winter Shennongjia is beautiful, the old Castle Peak covered with snow, the weekday green trees covered with Silver Flower.

Shennongjia ski tourism in the 2000 meters high above sea level Shennongjia the flagon Ping, flagon floor because of its shape like a flagon named, it is closest to the southeast coast of a ski resort, do not go to the North can also enjoy skiing wit, and thus Shennongjia Ski Resort has the reputation of the southern ski resort.

From the hall to enter service resort is a steep slope, a small test chopper here, feel not enough fun into the resort where I was shocked by the white world Huazhong roof. Shennongjia Ski Resort is in central China large-scale, fully functional natural alpine ski resort, covering an area of more than 1,000 acres set of outdoor skiing, sightseeing, the rest vacation, outdoor adventure as one.

Came immersed in Shenlongjia alpine snow enjoy of the the snow between Sahuan, and either snowboard or skis, in Shennongjia snow between heaven and earth can playfulness Daihatsu just a little worried, will carried away when you encounter the legendary Savage.

Cableway down drag to move from the top of the hill was S-shaped flying down, the winds were whistling in my ears, and snowboard in the snow sketched nice arc to experience the speed and passion of the collision, only whole body feels pores are open to feel WebcamMail. smooth pale traces accompanied by a clear blue sky, white clean snow. rough heroic Unlike Yabuli skiing in the southern reveals an aesthetic taste, but do not worry this will The danger, the resort slope of 5 degrees to about 15 degrees, to ensure the safety of personnel.

Shennongjia Ski Resort Ad Hoc romantic lighting ski trails and children's ski trails designed for children to meet the requirements of multiple populations, in addition to snowmobiles, snow UFO, snow assault boats and other entertainment projects. which snow saucer to be regarded as a more popular activities, sat UFO down the slopes to slide down, spinning round and round, collide with other UFO stirred layers of snow, exciting and fun.

Shennongjia Ski Resort is no place to rent helmets and glasses, if required must be prepared in advance.

Skiing: 2/200 yuan / person, a day / 380 yuan / person
Tickets: 80 yuan / person, less than 1.2 m / Free tickets, 1.2 - 1.4 m / half-price ticket
Coach: less than 5/100/1 hour, 5-10 / 120/1 hour
Snowmobile: 10 yuan / minute (2 minutes start)
Snow assault boats: 30 /
Ski boat: $ 30 / half-hour,

(The above price is for reference only, the local actual price shall prevail)
Shennongjia Ski Resort, the largest winter sports complex in South China, opened last year in Hubei Province. Since its opening, it has attracted many tourists to this famous scenic spots in the province.
Located with an elevation of 2,200 metres, the complex covers an area of 100,000 square meters and has four kilometers of ski slopes. There are more than 20 coaches are ready for tourists with some professional coaches.
“Shennongjia complex enjoys three advantages comparing to complexes in the North, nice climate, no wind and excellent topography”, Li Tielin, once a worker in Heilongjiang Yabuli International Ski Resort, told reporters.
The investment of the resort reaches 90 million Yuan (US$10.8 million)
A skiing school has also been built.

Cute golden monkeys in Shennongjia Nature Reserve
China is expected to set up the country's first artificial breeding base for the endangered golden monkeys within the year. The base will be set up in the Shennongjia 神农架Nature Reserve in central China's Hubei Province, which is home to about 1,200 golden monkeys, according to the reserve's management bureau's research institute. The base will help increase the population of the endangered golden monkeys in Shennongjia by conquering key technical problems, said Yang Jingyuan, director with the institute.
Regarded as China's "state treasure," just like giant pandas, golden monkeys are classified as under top level protection. In natural conditions, the birth rate of Shennongjia golden monkeys is about 4 percent, with the survival rate of monkey cubs at only 6 percent. "It is still an unsolved scientific question why the golden monkeys in Shennongjia become pregnant between August and October. And the female monkeys can only deliver one cub every two years," Yang said. He said that, researchers will focus on increasing the monkey's pregnant probability by human assistance techniques, artificial fertilization and nutritional regulation. The Shennongjia golden monkeys, who live in thick forests at altitudes of between 1,680 to 3,000 meters, are on the verge of extinction. They were first spotted in Shennongjia in the 1960s. The first census of the golden monkeys in the 1980s revealed that only 501 of the primates lived in the area. The golden monkeys in Shennongjia belong to the species of Rhinopithecus roxellanae, or Golden Snub-nosed Monkey, which is one of the five golden monkey species in the world. Located in the northwestern mountains in Hubei, the Shennongjia reserve boasts rich natural forest resources and animal species.

Hubei golden snub-nosed monkey is an Old World monkey in the Colobinae subfamily. It is endemic to a small area in temperate, mountainous forests of central and Southwest China. They inhabit these mountainous forests of Southwestern China at elevations of 1,500-3,400 m above sea level. The Chinese name is Sichuan golden hair monkey (川金丝猴). It is also widely referred to as the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey. Of the three species of snub-nosed monkeys in China, the golden snub-nosed monkey is the most widely distributed throughout China. Snow occurs frequently within its range and it can withstand colder average temperatures than any other non-human primates.[7] Its diet varies markedly with the seasons, but it is primarily an herbivore with lichens being its main food source.
Hubei golden snub-nosed monkey, Rhinopithecus roxellana hubeiensis. Members of this subspecies reside in the Daba Mountains (in particular, their Shennongjia section) of the westernmost Hubei (Shennongjia Forest District, Fang, Xingshan and Badong counties) and the northeaster Chongqing Municipality. According to a 1998 estimate, the population included 600-1,000 individuals in 5-6 troops. In 2005, the management of the Shennongjia Nature Reserve reported that the population had grown between 1990 and 2005 from 500 to over 1200.
Shenningjia Scenic Spot is mainly consisted of three parts. One is the birthplace of the patriotic poet Quyuan屈原who created the unique poetic form in Chinese culture. Another part is the hometown of the Wang王昭君Zhaojun, a famous figure in the Chinese history rank as the top four beauties. The last one is the Shennongjia Natural Reserve.
Together they form a splendid scenic corridor including historical cultural relics, beautiful forest landscape as well as some "Natural Riddles”. Since ancient times, Shennongjia gained the fame as "Home of Wild Man".
湖北神农架  AAAA 级景区
神农架是世界中纬度地区唯一一块保存完好的绿色宝地,具有比其它温带森林生态系统更为丰富的具有全球意义的生物多样性。神农架林区位于中国亚热带向温带过渡的地区,亿万年前曾经是片汪洋大海,喜玛拉雅造山运动使其变成了高山,成为“华中屋脊”,这里海拔超过3000米的高山就有六座。由于特殊的地理环境,神农架成为第四纪冰川时期各种动植物的避难所和栖息地,几乎囊括了北自漠河、南至西双版纳、东自日本中部、西至喜玛拉的所有动植物物种。现知神农架林区有高等维管束植物199科、872属、2671种,其中列为国家一、二级保护的树种有39种;动物500多种,其中列为国家重点保护的有50多种;可入药的动、植物达2013种。因此,神农架被世人誉为“物种基因库”、“天然动物园”和“绿色宝库”。 神农架保存完好的自然生态为世人所瞩目。1986年,国务院批准神农架为“国家森林和野生动物类型保护区”;1990年,联合国教科文组织将神农架列为国际“人与生物圈保护网”成员;1992年,世界自然基金会又将神农架定为“生物多样性保护示范点”。





 湖北省把神农架和长江三峡、武当山组合成“一江两山”旅游精品,向国内外重点推出,国家旅游局把神农架列为全国六大生态旅游区之一。 神农架秀美的自然风光吸引着众多的中外友人,原国家旅游局局长刘毅欣然题词:“神秘之山,神奇之景,神怪之人,神逸之情,神农架必游。”  神农架,人与自然和谐的家;  神农架,必将成为您旅游度假的乐园。

神农架滑雪场于2004年建成,是顺应国家体育总局“北雪南展”的构想,全力打造南国滑雪度假旅游目的地的重大战略举措。滑雪场位于海拔2200米至2500米的神农架腹地红坪镇牛场坪。计划总投资9000万元,一期工程已完成投资2500万元,可同时容纳3000人进行雪上娱乐活动。建有初、中、高级滑雪道,配置有大小拖牵索道和进口的人工造雪系统、压雪设备、雪地摩托车以及滑雪用具。滑雪接待中心面积3000平方米,设有雪具房、咖啡屋、快餐厅、雪上用品店、医疗急救室和滑雪学校等,并为初学者聘请了国内知名的滑雪专业教练。开设了滑雪、滑圈 、雪地摩托车、羊拉爬犁、雪橇、雪地自行车等丰富多彩的雪上项目。它的建成,标志着神农架旅游已由观光型向度假型转变。

與朋友們一起體驗香港獨有的單板滑雪運動吧! 不論您是初學者還是對滑雪已有認識,若想感受一下滑雪的快感或提升滑雪技巧,這室內單板滑雪體驗最為適合。參加者不須再受天氣影響或要到外國才可滑雪,只要踏上模擬滑雪道,就可感受到滑雪的非一般刺激!



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